
Church: one big happy family?

Church: one big happy family?

21st June 2018

We asked Paul Harcourt, National Leader of New Wine, for his thoughts on why we were created to live in family and how the Church can support those for whom the word ‘family’ comes with an emotional price tag.

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Paul Harcourt

Paul Harcourt

Paul Harcourt is National Leader of New Wine and vicar of All Saints Woodford Wells. He is married to Becky and together they have recently written ‘Walking on Water’ about overcoming obstacles to stepping into a deeper experience of Jesus.

8 free adventures for your family to try this May!

8 free adventures for your family to try this May!

30th April 2018

Here at TLG we know that it's not always easy to think of things to do with your kids during the holidays. So, we've come up with 8 great ideas for things you could do as a family during the May bank holidays. And the best part is, they're all free!

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Sarah Weinberg

Sarah Weinberg

Sarah started at TLG as an intern after graduating from the University of York. She loves reading and writing, and is passionate about supporting struggling children through her work in the Trusts and Foundations team at TLG.

The springboard of church family

The springboard of church family

16th April 2018

Childhood is without doubt the most influential stage of life. It’s thought that the first eight years of your life are crucial in determining how you develop in later years. With this in mind, Rae Morfin reflects on the life of Moses, trauma and how church family can make all the difference to struggling children.

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Rae Morfin

Rae Morfin

With twenty years’ experience working with children in both church and school situations, Rae has pioneered and now heads up TLG’s Early Intervention programme supporting children struggling in mainstream primary and secondary schools. Oh, and she’s got three teenagers of her own at home!

Make Lunch is Joining the TLG Family!

Make Lunch is Joining the TLG Family!

16th March 2018

TLG's vision to support struggling children and families is growing. With news of an exciting new programme for churches to run, our chief executive Tim Morfin blogs on why he's so excited about tackling holiday hunger.

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Tim Morfin

Tim Morfin

Tim Morfin is the founder and Chief Executive of TLG. Tim, together with a group of other volunteers from a local church, began TLG by helping young people struggling in school in Bradford. He now leads the organisation nationally, still committed to bringing hope and a future to children and their families. He is married to Rachel and has three teenage sons.

Keeping Children in Mind

Keeping Children in Mind

05th March 2018

With more and more children struggling with their emotional wellbeing it can be challenging to know how best to provide crucial support. We asked Will van der Hart whether our society is failing these children and what, if anything, can the church do about it?

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Will van der Hart

Will van der Hart

Reverend Will van der Hart is Pastoral Chaplain at Holy Trinity Brompton and specialises in emotional wellbeing. He has a broad experience of ministry within urban and sub-urban parishes in London.

7 Reasons we’re excited for 2018!

7 Reasons we’re excited for 2018!

22nd January 2018

At TLG we love looking forward. We’re all about bringing hope and a future to as many children and families as possible, and with the number of school exclusions rising every year, we’re up for hitting the road and making that happen. So what is there to look forward to in the coming year? Find out and discover how you can join with us!

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Sarah Weinberg

Sarah Weinberg

Sarah started at TLG as an intern after graduating from the University of York. She loves reading and writing, and is passionate about supporting struggling children through her work in the Trusts and Foundations team at TLG.

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