Acknowledging every step in the journey by honouring and championing one another.
Notice the moments to celebrate
Celebrate the small moments as well as the big. Where are the smaller steps towards transformation happening? Notice, and encourage the moments such as, new job, x number of years clean, child attending school after refusal etc.
Share the stories of transformation
Celebrate the steps of faith, the commitments, the markers, ensuring we listen well to the person we are celebrating and respect their wishes. Some may like the spotlight, others won’t.
Honour each other
Celebrate those who serve – the ones who get on quietly in the background, as well as those who are more known.
Celebrate diversity
We are all created uniquely, celebrate it!
On the Sunday after our funday we invited everyone to a special family service, and they all came!!! We celebrated our TLG children, gave them certificates and they shared their favourite activities of the year so far! We also had a time of ‘family news’ and it was amazing that one of the older siblings of a TLG child came up on stage to share that he was having an operation soon – we all prayed for him!! It was incredible to see God at work!! All 6 of our TLG families came to Messy Church! - - Buckskin Evangelical